Dobrodii - Millions of little Ukrainians need our help every day!

Choose one of dozens of initiatives that raise funds for the treatment and rehabilitation of little Ukrainians. Save their right to live in the face of Russian aggression.

Ukraine is coping with difficulties, and we cannot stand aside! We have no right to close our eyes to what is happening around and lock ourselves in our "bubble"! IT'S TIME TO COOPERATE AND TO SUPPORT EACH OTHER!
Charity Exchange "DobroDiy" works as usual. And along with the martial law, young Ukrainians continue their own war with serious diseases: cancer, epilepsy, diabetes, paralysis, CNS defects, brain, Down syndrome, autism. We have no right to turn away from them !!! However, we do not stay away from urgent needs, and accumulate all our resources and ask our friends and partners to HELP UKRAINE! That is why we are launching a fundraiser for the urgent needs of the Volunteer Coordination Center. The costs will be aimed at purchasing medicines, medical supplies and necessary equipment for the needs of people who are forced to leave their homes, the operation of the center, as well as support for the territorial defense formation in Dnipropetrovsk region. The Charity Exchange has always been distinguished by its principled position of systematic assistance and reasonable charity. As always, we guarantee full transparency and accountability. And all the information will be displayed in real time.


The victories of doctors during war time are no less valuable than the heroism of the Armed Forces! Patients in need of emergency care are constantly admitted to hospitals at the moment. The load on the city's support facilities has increased several times! At the request of time, the Center for Mothers and Children provides round-the-clock medical care not only to kids, but also to the entire civilian population. This is done to unload the city hospitals, where the seriously injured soldiers and civilians are rescued. The number of young patients of the regional children's clinical hospital has increased many times over! Ukrainians with children evacuated from hot spots found help in Dnipro. At the same time, the regional children's hospital does not stop treating cancer patients and children with other complex diagnoses. Perinatal wards continue their work. Charity Exchange 'DobroDiy' has opened a special urgent project for such medical institutions. Please support the fundraising! These funds will save thousands of lives! Hold on and believe in our common victory!