Future for Ukraine - We support those, whose peaceful lives have been ruined by the war.

Help raise funds for humanitarian assistance to victims and help to protect our children from the Russian act of genocide against the Ukrainian people.

We support those, whose peaceful lives have been ruined by the war. We provide medical and humanitarian support, to the victims of the Ukrainian genocide commited by russia.

Humanitarian Aid Center

Suddenly, on February 24, Russian warships burst into our peaceful dreams. The war broke the lives of thousands of Ukrainians. It separated beloved ones, deprived people of their livelihood, and left meters-long funnels on our land instead of family nests. Unfortunately, we have become well aware of the price of our freedom — the freedom to follow our dreams and have an ordinary and happy life.

It is hard to realize that many people have nowhere to come back. All they managed to take during the evacuation was an alarming suitcase with documents and some necessities.

In cities and villages, active hostilities are still taking place. There is not only housing but also infrastructure destroyed. It will take more than one year to restore it. Meanwhile, Ukrainians need to make money for living, food, and other basic needs. Unfortunately, this has become impossible in some parts of Ukraine, so IDPs start their life from scratch in the rough times.

People need basic things — food, hygiene products, medicines, clothes. In April and May alone, our Foundation received more than 1,500 applications for assistance, of which more than 80% were requests for humanitarian aid with food and hygiene products. That is why we organize Humanitarian Aid Centers, where everyone in need can get the necessary.

The first Humanitarian Aid Center has already opened in Kyiv. It is a convenient humanitarian kits distribution point for individuals, NGOs, and volunteers. According to the submitted applications for assistance, the Center's team will provide food, hygiene products, medicines, and animal feed. We will issue individual humanitarian kits here. Also, a volunteer team will collect wholesale orders for social and medical institutions. We can rebuild our property, find a new job, or plant vegetables next spring because we know the price of our dignity. And we are unbreakable because we support each other. Help the affected Ukrainians on the way to a dignified life. One aid package from the Humanitarian Aid Center contains 10 kilograms of food (cereals, pasta, oil, flour, sugar) and hygiene products if needed. Your contribution to this case will go directly to the products purchased for humanitarian kits.

Each of your € 25 will provide a weekly provision for a family of four.


Children's Aid/Assistance for children

The war in Ukraine continues. Every day it takes human lives and breaks destinies. War destroys homes and separates families. People who are least protected, even in peacetime, are on the brink of extinction. First of all, these are children deprived of parental care. There are almost 7 million children in Ukraine. Every child suffered from the war in one way or another, getting deep psychological trauma. Above all are children who have experienced or seen violence with their own eyes, lost parents, homes, and access to normal development.

As a result of the war, 1,735 children were left without parental care, according to the National Social Service of Ukraine as of early June. Most children who have lost their parents are in the families of relatives. 270 children are placed in guardianship institutions already.

Since the beginning of the war, 12,984 children from 272 orphanages or family-run institutions have been evacuated to safe regions of Ukraine, and abroad. These children are our pain and our daily reminder of what we are fighting. The Future for Ukraine Foundation is expanding the geography of helping children of war. Children now need decent living conditions, our attention, and material and psychological support. We want these children, despite difficult life trials, to be able to create their future. There are no stranger's children. We strive to help every child in orphanages throughout Ukraine. We want to give children the opportunity to be children — to develop, play, laugh, explore the world and find their place in it. In addition to basic needs, we aim to give children what their parents would give them — quality education, exciting travels, concerts, and movie visits, summer at a children's camp, promoting their creativity and interest in life.

By caring for children today, we care about the future of our country. We must support children's hopes for the best, realize their small and big dreams, and give them everything we can.

Each of your donations is a contribution to the future of children who were deprived of a normal childhood by the war, but it cannot deprive them of a happy future in our free and powerful state.